
We offer organizational consulting and individual coaching.

Our offerings are informative, transformative, and motivating. We call people in and catalyze allyship without shaming, blaming, or perpetuating white fragility. We partner with people who have not yet engaged in anti-racism, providing them with foundational tools to challenge oppression, and we challenge seasoned anti-racists to deepen and more fully embody their practice. Collectively, our team brings 50+ years of experience working with issues of equity.

We have explicit accountability structures in place and believe reparations are due to people of color in this country. We give 10% of our profits to BIPOC led racial justice organizations, including the Manna-Hatta Fund and Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity. For more information and details, please visit our Accountability Statement.

We offer coaching and consulting nationally, both in person as well as virtually.


Individual Coaching

We offer individual, long term leadership coaching focused on building skills to lead for equity and inclusion. Often when we are under pressure, much of our behavior reverts to conditioned habits from our socialization and trauma. Through sustained practice, anti-racist learning, and relational accountability, we support individuals to transform their capacity to show up consistently for equity and inclusion.


We consult with organizations and businesses in long term, systems and culture changing partnerships. We integrate individual coaching, leadership team development, educational workshops, and organizational development to create more equitable and inclusive institutions. We practice deep, slow work, so that our partners build the necessary capacities and relationships to truly transform their organizations.